Moombaki Wines
The pace of life in cool climate wine country always seems a little more relaxed than that of their cousins on the coast.
The merits of relaxed briefs are open for debate but amongst friends we feel it is only to be encouraged. David and Melissa Boughey at Moombaki Wines were introduced to us by Mel’s sister and our great friend, Tracy Graffin. Their instructions to Robert amounted to “do yer worst”. Concentrating the creative laser on motion, texture and linear abstraction took Rob back to teen years spent deconstructing suburban Perth through the viewfinder of an Olympus OM1. How post-modern! Willing participants in the subversion and re-invention of vineyard photography were David, Melissa and their three good humoured boys. By the way, we can recommend their organic drops whoeheartedly (as can some considerably more professional quaffers). |