Pet Photo Booth


Pet Photo Booth Perth Fringe Festival 2013


The Perth Fringe Festival has been all the buzz in the office this morning. Rob’s done the Stoney Joe gig, Shirley recommends the Bogan Bingo, and for the last two weekends I’ve slipped off the commercial hat and have been moonlighting as an artist photographer at Pet Photo Booth. Our studio for the duration, courtesy of ArtRage, was the Spiegeltent, deep in the Urban Orchard. The so-called Third Musketeer of Pet Photo Booth, I’ve been working with Arthos (Justin Spiers) and Porthos (Yvonne Doherty) since my early days as an assistant and I feel privileged to have been invited to take part in this wonderful project as a photographer.


Five days of cats, dogs, chickens, sheep, children, and other animals. Everyone got along in perfect animal harmony, including most of the humans. Bookings were only a couple of minutes apart and we booked out well in advance! I love about working this quickly, being absorbed in the moment and using only the relationship with the subjects and materials at hand to produce creative results. Painted backdrops, delightful people– it’s a dangerous mix of cheese and portraiture, but very hard for it to go wrong.



Pet Photo Booth Perth Fringe Festival 2013


Pet Photo Booth Perth Fringe Festival 2013