Bring Out Your Dead

Bring Out Your Dead

Some of these works were shown as part of 'Psychogeography' curated by Thelma John for Gallery Central. An expanded group of works was shown as part of a smaller group show with Jeff Atkinson and John Toohey at Earlywork in 2020.
They are available as limited edition A2 archival inkjet prints.

From the Psychogeography catalogue essay by Thelma; 'Bulk rubbish pickup is familiar sight on the streets of Perth, loaded with the signs of a disposable society, or an opportunity for scavengers to upcycle the detritus of the more affluent. Frith’s approach to documenting the dark suburban street shows all the reverence that he gives to his commercial work photographing elegant interiors and architecture for magazines.

The stillness portrayed here suggests a sacred space, between night and day, as discarded items take on a classical, even menacing, form. The dwellings are in ghostly gloom. There is irony in a discarded wooden gate placed against a tree’s wood, the tyres stacked like a monument to mobility, the iconic spot-lit cane chair and the sad fate of the obsolete BBQ.'